Breakout I

1:30 PM–2:15 PM

Track A-1: Commercial Products, Government Applications: How Partnerships are Key to Enabling Innovation

Join a panel of speakers from government and industry for a discussion on enabling solutions from commercial industry for government use cases. Composed commercial off the shelf architectures enable quicker paths to certification, repeatability, and assurance around a steady stream of investment, including reference architectures for ease of implementation, and enable cost reduction.

Mona Ghadiri, Product Manager, Forcepoint
George Kamis, CTO, Global Governments & Critical Infrastructure, Forcepoint
Jack Nichols, CTO, Federal & Sr. Manager Technical Resources, CDW-G
Jeff Watkins, Communications Director, Commercial Solutions for Classified Program, NSA
Track B-1: DEFEND: Tackling the Next Steps of the CDM Program

Nation-state, mercenary, cyber-jihadist and other adversaries continue to exploit vulnerabilities in Frankensteined legacy systems despite the growing outcry among agency and legislative leaders demanding action. Meaningful change requires tools which give agency leaders the agility, flexibility, visibility, and contract vehicles to quickly acquire new, cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions.

To address this constant and evolving threat, DHS established the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program, a multi-phased approach to outfitting federal agencies with the skills, insight, and tools necessary for effective cybersecurity.

Dynamic and Evolving Federal Enterprise Network Defense (DEFEND), the new $3.4 billion acquisition strategy tied to CDM Phases 3 and 4, builds upon CDM’s existing phases to create a stronger cybersecurity posture that adapts to real-time changes in risk, ultimately helping to reduce the federal government’s threat surface. By leveraging CDM DEFEND, federal agencies will have easier access to technologies which address critical areas such as automation, incident response, data protection, and cloud and mobile security.

  • Hear from public and private sector leaders with direct experience implementing and operationalizing CDM DEFEND
  • Learn how your agency can leverage the program to cost-effectively modernize and fortify cybersecurity

Carlene Ileto, Executive Director, Product & Services Delivery Management Office, DHS
Eric Trexler, VP, Global Governments & Critical Infrastructure Sales, Forcepoint
Track C-1: Leveraging EIS to Transform Federal Networks

In an era when IT Modernization is a priority across government agencies to pursue digital transformation and modernize security posture, network modernization is a critical first step. Government networks must be adaptive, resilient and effective across a range of uses and against diverse threats. Agencies must carefully plan how to scale the network correctly, to ensure security is baked in, not stapled on.

This session will discuss how agencies can leverage the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract to create a viable path to IT modernization and addresses the challenges that government organizations face before they can safely proceed with network IT modernization initiatives. This session will cover:

  • The challenges government organizations face when transitioning from Networx to EIS
  • How IT Modernization can significantly increase the attack surface
  • Why network security must offer new levels of scale, management and flexibility
  • How to leverage EIS to modernize federal IT telecommunications and infrastructure

Ed Fox, VP of Network Services, MetTel
Diana Gowen, SVP & GM, MetTel Federal